PS/MS 42Q: Choose Kindness

Featuring Art Direction by Marissa Molina (2018)
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“Choose Kindness” completes a three-year efforts to wrap the PS/MS 42 courtyard with School Murals, together with:

Once again, Art as Catalyst for Change funding from NYC Council Member Donovan Richards allowed us to:

  • Provide 200 middle school students accredited, in-school Murals and Media classes for an entire semester;
  • Provide 30 students and 40 volunteers after school and weekend Murals programs;
  • Produce the “Choose Kindness” mural, a year-end celebration, and three student films.

PS/MS 42Q: Choose Kindness (2018)

Resisting gun violence comes easier for those who choose kindness.

PS/MS 42Q Production

PS/MS 42Q: Ribbon Cutting

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Project Details

Choose Kindness
MS 42Q Robert Vernam (Queens 2018)

• Art Direction & Teaching Artist: Marissa Molina
• Exterior Schoolyard
• 800 square feet
• Acrylic and latex on brick
• Sponsored by NYC Council Member Donovan Richards, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, Art as Catalyst for Change, Sherwin Williams

  • Accredited Elective
  • Exterior
  • Middle School
  • Weekend

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