BronxConnect RTG North: Good Music

Featuring Art Direction by Ashley "Awesum" Crawford and Kenneth "Christ" Tooley (Bronx 2022)
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“Good Music” is a celebratory mural dedicated to the music initiative at this site. It features a quote from legendary reggae music artist Bob Marley which reads, “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Across from that is a painting of a young boy seamlessly surfing piano keys whilst on a giant microphone. The mural serves as a precursor to the recoding studio and music area in the back of the headquarters.

BronxConnect RTG North: Da Bronx (2022)

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Project Details

Good Music
BronxConnect RTG North (2022)

• Art Direction: Ashley "Awesum" Crawford and Kenneth "Christ" Tooley @canaryswords
• Contributing Artists: Sydney Tirado, Jubilee Tooley, @ph718, @gzfotografias, @cera.bella, @gladitsknite, @tierra_luxury, and @andreaamandaart
• Sponsored by BronxConnect

  • Community Center
  • Interior

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