BronxConnect RTG North: Da Bronx

Featuring Art Direction by Pips (Bronx 2022)
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“Da Bronx” was created and produced with the help and ideas from the community members and participants of RTG North. Each participant of the program has strong ties with the community, so they felt it made sense to create something meaningful to them on a deeper level in which in letter of the mural represents. The B represents the botanical areas of the Bronx and its inner beauty. The R represents their school; a place were majority of the participants attended. The O represents the Bronx zoo which is in the background of RTG North. The N represents “The Gates”, an apartment building in which the participants and staff grew up and currently live. The X represents the festive seafood nature of the Bronx. To complete the package, the 2 train is used as a statement of heritage; because when anyone sees the 2 train they know exactly where it’s going.

BronxConnect RTG North: Da Bronx (2022)

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Project Details

Da Bronx
BronxConnect RTG North (2022)

• Art Direction: Pips @gladitsknite
• Contributing Artists: Sydney Tirado, @kongsavage, @cera.bella, @sumofallawe, @peacheeblue, @tierra_luxury, @lumieee, @merarilee, and @andreaamandaart
• Sponsored by BronxConnect

  • Community Center
  • Interior

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