Bronx Connect: Release the Grip

Featuring Art Direction by TooFly (The Bronx 2021)
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Hope, safety, peace and stability are things we all desire for our communities. Release the Grip strives to sustain such a space for Bronx residents and encourages similar community support in effort to end gun violence. In collaboration with Thrive and participants of RTG, artist TooFly leads a design just how the Bronx connects with one another, building bonds to carry the community through all life brings. In collaboration with NYCHA Claremont Community Houses, this project inspires the Claremont Community Art Walk in 2022.

Bronx Connect: Release the Grip

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Project Details

Release the Grip
Bronx Connect (2021)

• Art Direction: TooFly
• 275 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Brick
• Contributing Artists Marissa Molina, Chloe Pitkoff & Alex Rivera
• Sponsored by Bronx Connect, Release the Grip, NYCHA

  • Community Mural
  • Exterior
  • Intensive

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