Basquiat's Loisaida

Featuring Art Direction by Savannah Zambrano (Loisaida Fest 2023)
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Loisaida is home. Thrive Collective was conceived, born, and nurtured in the Lower East Side enclave that carries this name. When our friends and neighbors at the Loisaida Center invited us to participate in their 36th annual Loisaida Festival, we jumped at the opportunity.

They sweetened the invitation by asking us to lead a community mural workshop with students from PS 188 to design a mural in honor of Jean Michel Basquiat for future installation near his Loisaida home and studio. The workshop explored Basquiat’s pan-Caribbean lineage as a Puerto Rican and Haitian artist living and creating in the Lower East Side, and culminated with a live art experience at the festival.

Veteran Thrive artist Savannah Zambrano led the project, with assistance from Andrea Amanda, Emily Gooden, and Genesis Gerena. Special thanks to Abounding Grace Ministries for providing volunteers throughout the day.

Basquiat’s Loisaida (2024)

As Seen on Social Media

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Project Details

Basquiat's Loisaida
Loisaida Fest (2023)

• Art Direction: Savannah Zambrano
• 48 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Canvas
• Sponsored by Loisaida Center, Abounding Grace Ministries

  • Canvas
  • Community Mural
  • Intensive

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