PS 205: All are Welcome

Featuring Art Direction by Toofly (Brooklyn 2023)
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PS 205’s Assistant Principal Mr. Michael Silverman was introduced to Thrive Collective long before we were Thrive Collective. In 2011, he was a teacher at PS 102 during the production of the “Welcome to PS 102” mural collaboration between Sam Wisneski and Jeremy Del Rio that ultimately inspired the movement now known as Thrive Collective.

Thrive veteran artist Toofly collaborated with Mr. Silverman and 4th and 5th students at The Clarion School to explore similar themes of welcome and inclusion. A large oil painting at the main entrance served as inspiration, displaying games and events from around the world. The many multicultural identities within the school lead to the mural’s name and imagery within the mural. Children, though different, stand side by side on the same level, giving a sense of solidarity and respect for one another.  The 15′ x 30′ mural displays images of homes to represent family, birds to represent freedom, and a rainbow demonstrating how many shades of color can create something beautiful. 

PS 205K: All are Welcome (2023)

Murals by Toofly

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Project Details

All are Welcome
PS 205K: The Clarion School (2023)

• Art Direction: Toofly
• Contributing Artists: Kenneth Tooley, Loreto, Mirari Hernandez
• 450 Square Feet
• Latex, Spray Paint, and Acrylic on Brick
• Sponsored by PS 205 and Dept. of Cultural Affairs

  • Elementary School
  • Exterior
  • Intensive

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