Once Upon a Time

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Thrive Collective proudly welcomes Once Upon a Time, Inc., to our network of affiliated arts organizations.

Since its incorporation in 1980, Once Upon a Time, Inc. has been a dream incubator, enriching the lives of countless individuals through its arts-oriented education. Their mission is to bring warmth and delight to both the young and the young at heart, while fostering a love for dance, music, theater and storytelling.

Following the loss of OUAT’s founders, and the subsequent closure of its building in 2021, the spirit of Once Upon a Time, Inc. has remained resilient. Longtime Thrive Collective collaborator and OUAT alumna, Yasmine Rodriguez, is on mission as Executive Director, to revitalize the organization. Former alumni and parents have rallied in effort to keep the vision alive.

Over the past year, they have slowly began to resume activities, offering live theatre to the community, acting and dance classes to children, and hosting celebratory events such as birthday parties, memorials, and recitals. Everything done by passionate volunteers continues to weave the arts into the fabric of our community, even as they operate in an unrenovated space.

Looking ahead, the vision for Once Upon a Time, Inc. is one of hope, healing, innovation and growth. They plan to renovate its historical landmark building, transforming it into a hub of artistic and cultural activity.

Thrive Collective (20/20 Vision for Schools, Inc.) will serve as the fiscal sponsor for Once Upon a Time, Inc. while they secure 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. All donations earmarked to this fund are tax deductible and will be used to support the charitable mission of Once Upon a Time, Inc.

About Once Upon a Time

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