Meet the Artist: Peach Jin Tao

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Where are you from?

Born and raised in Beijing, China, I came to the US for college.

What do you enjoy doing with Thrive?

So far I did one project with Thrive. I helped co-design and paint the Welcome mural for the elementary school PS 236 in the Bronx.


See the Portfolio for the Welcome mural at PS 236.

What was something unexpected that you’ve had to do in your work?

It was my first time working on a mural, and my first time engaging kids from 2-4th grade doing it. It was very exciting. The unexpected part was always involving the kids. For example: How would they react to the designs? What new animals they want in the drawing?

How did you first get involved with Thrive?

I’ve always wanted to do a mural, and I like working with kids, so when I heard from my friend Naomi that she’s doing a mural for school through this organization, I became interested and came to a group meeting.

What was your favorite/most memorable moment in the work that you do?

I really loved it when the kids drew me on my sketchbook.

Visit Peach online.


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