News 12: McKinley I.S. 259 decorates wall with inclusion and diversity mural

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Inclusion and diversity are the themes behind a brand-new mural at a Bay Ridge middle school.

Each of the flags in the mural represents the different cultures of the students at William McKinley I.S. 259. Today, students cut the ribbon revealing their “The Pride of Bay Ridge” mural to celebrate diversity.

The funding, thanks to both Thrive Collective and Councilmember Justin Brannan, got the school a $25,000 Immigrant Initiative and Youth Discretionary grant.

The school was excited to add this new mural to all the others lining the walls of the school. For the kids, it’s exciting to see their cultures represented.

The school is hoping to find the funding to complete another side of the wall following with the same theme of inclusion and diversity.

Report courtesy of News 12

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