“I Am Longwood” Collaborators

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On June 4, 2016, a dozen Bronx based artists and arts organizations gathered to celebrate the rich cultural legacy of the Longwood neighborhood at the first I Am Longwood Arts Fest. Meet some of the collaborators.

About the Arts Fest
Partner Profile: YUCA Arts
Artist Profile: Kim Andino
Partner Profile: Elevate NY
Artist Profile: Anthony Perez
In June the Longwood section of the Bronx became a little brighter and colorful. Students from PS 333 and 335 worked together on a shared schoolyard mural that offers a glimpse into their neighborhood and how they see it. Every week during lunch time 6 classes, 3 from each school, joined us in the yard to help paint the mural. The results were fantastic.

Creating and completing the mural.

I Am Longwood

Enjoy the full I Am Longwood Portfolio here.

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