Thrive photos

Grace Multiplies

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We are excited to Celebrate the Future with Abounding Grace Ministries this weekend as they commemorate their 25th year as a church and 35th year as a community ministry.

Everything Thrive Collective is, every student and school we have served, is because of Abounding Grace Ministries’ investment in Jeremy Del Rio personally and their commitment to innovative community youth development since 1982.

They are our first community partner; have partnered with our flagship school since the 1990s; sponsored our first #SchoolMurals project (and many more) in 2007; and their Generation Xcel youth centers are essentially Thrive Collective 1.0. Their story inspired the awareness campaign that in 2011 evolved into what we now call Thrive Collective. Thank you, AGM, for being first, and for inspiring a movement we are privileged to serve as you have supported us. #GraceMultiplies

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