“Gifts > Guns,” Song and Lyrics by PS/MS 42Q 6th Graders

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“Gifts > Guns,” song and lyrics by 6th grade scholar/emcees
MS/MS 42Q in The Rockaways
Teaching Artist: Randy Mason
Sponsored by NYC Council Member Donovan Richards / Art a Catalyst for Change

Use words not weapons
Shoot for the stars not at them
Give kids gifts not guns

Help instead of harm
People instead of pistols
Goals instead of guns
Education instead of drugs
Reach for goals not guns
I just love where I’m from

Don’t shoot
I love where I’m from
Don’t shoot
Speak with words not guns
Don’t shoot
This is our anthem
Don’t shoot
Cause we’re not done

I don’t use weapons
I just kill them with kindness
Shine bright like diamonds
Don’t steal the diamonds
Silencers are not allowed
Go ahead and make your mamma proud

Reach for goals not guns
Let’s not hurt let’s help someone

I don’t use weapons
I just kill them with kindness
Shine bright like diamonds
I’m a beat them with blindness
Ignore the negativity
What’s up with the flyness?
Talk behind my back
I’m a show you that I’m the wildest
Wild imagination
Wild education
Without hesitation
Boom! Boom!

Five years old in the operating room
Couldn’t breathe couldn’t talk
Couldn’t hear couldn’t walk
I got a dream
I gotta hustle
Get the family out the struggle

I was growing up in the concrete jungle
Brownsville taught me to stay humble
You don’t know what I’ve been through
You don’t know my pain
Yeah I’m someone
I don’t deal with you lames
I see bodies dropping every single day
I wish and pray they stop the gun violence
So my people will be able to show their talents

If you put that gun down
He would be here right now
If you put that gun down
She would be here right now
Be right don’t be wrong
And stop all the violence around the world

Guns down
Guns down
Guns down
Guns down

One thing about guns
They are violent
People start dying
Mothers start crying

Put the guns down
Let’s have some fun
Put the guns down
The guns are done

We need more living
Less killing
Why you gotta be a villain?

Imagine waking up in the morning and not seeing your brother
Looking outside seeing shots from one to another
Mammas crying
Mamas crying
Cause her only son is dying

Now your son is in the dirt
Now your son is in a hearse
Now your son is on a T shirt
What happened to this world?

No mas pistola
Mass amore ahora

No guns no violence
You know the vibe
Shoot for the sky
Believe you can fly

Love is a nice gift
Let’s give it to someone else
Like is more than wealth
Haters gonna hate
Let’s not kill just conversate

Stop the gun violence
No need for sirens
I just want to walk in silence
The death rate is rising
People’s moms are crying
Because their babies are dying
And the killers keep lying

Tic tac toe
Three in a row
Go with the flow
We can go slow-mo
Make days brighter and better
Just like cheese and cheddar

I am the one
The one
Your son don’t need a gun to get respect up on the streets

Use words not weapons
Shoot for the stars not at them
Give kids gifts not guns

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