El Diario: Create an Immigrant Sanctuary

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The June 11, 2017 issue of El Diario newspaper includes a photo essay from the production of La Lucha Continua: “’La Lucha Continúa’ se renueva en Manhattan como ‘santuario’ inmigrante,” by Marielis Acevedo, El Diario (June .

Las manos de un niño de apenas dos años dejan su huella de color en el espacio como símbolo de pertenencia. Es el “artista” más joven; lo ayudan sus padres. Junto a ellos, hay otros colaboradores de distintas edades, origen étnico e intereses. Pero a todos los mueve un fin: lograr un sentido de empoderamiento comunitario a través del arte.


The hands of a two-year old child leave their color handprint in a space that is a symbol of belonging. He is the youngest “artist”; his parents help him. Along with them, there are other collaborators of different ages, ethnic origin and interests. But they all move towards one end: to achieve a sense of community empowerment through art.

Enjoy the full article and photos online here.

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