
Our 100% Guarantee

Give Now to Bring Art Back to Public Schools

Your donation creates hope and opportunity through arts, sports, and mentoring in and around low-income schools. Help eradicate artless education; restore play to playgrounds; and activate adult mentors in student lives.

This is our Promise

100% of Online Giving Supports Arts, Sports, and Mentoring

When you support Thrive Collective, you become part of a movement to create hope and opportunity for through the arts, sports, and mentoring in underserved communities.

Thanks to the generous support of others, 100% of your tax deductible, online gift will be invested directly in programs in and around public schools.

Together, we can help all of New York City become an even better place to live, learn, and create. Your financial gifts empower teaching artists, coaches, and mentors to invest time and trust to awaken students’ creativity and demonstrate the power of collaboration — fundamental skills that insure life long returns on your investment.

Give Securely Online

Non-Cash Giving

There’s no need to limit your giving to dollars and cents. We also accept non-cash gifts, including:

Stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, and other securities
Retirement assets, bequests, trusts, and estates
Valuable items like property, boats, cars, and jewelry
Life insurance policies

Have more questions?

If you have questions about what you can give and
how to give it, we’d love to help you figure it out.

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