School Partners USA

student leadership conference and back-to-school concert poster

Case Study: Latino Pastoral Action Center

Case Study: LPAC’s Student Leadership Conference 20/20’s Student Leadership component seems to cause the most angst among grassroots partners.  Not because they disagree with the idea that students should be empowered as leaders, but because what that actually looks like is difficult to imagine.  For so long, schools have treated students as customers buying a…

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10 Ways Your Church Can Be Good News to Public Schools

By Guest Blogger: Adam McLane I have a fervent belief that if we want to reach a post-Christian society, we have to be Good News before someone will listen to Good News. I asked some teachers, “How could a local church be Good News to your public school?” Here are 10 of their ideas. Create…

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Impacting the ABC’s of Educational Policy

New York City spends more than $23 Billion annually in education, more than $21,000 for every one student in its public schools.  How it spends that money is a function of policy decisions made at the city and school levels. Read how one 20/20 partner affected the ABC’s of policy – Appointments, Budgets, and Curriculum –…

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i am my school logo

School Change, By Students For Students

From our friends at “I Am My School”: New York City boasts the largest school system in the the country. We spend more $$$ on education per student than any school district in the world. Yet for decades half our classmates haven’t graduated, and as many as 60% are still not proficient in reading or…

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volunteer closely looking at detail

Case Study: Paint the Town

Ed Note: Paint the Town was an initiative sponsored by the Southern Baptist Association in New York City beginning in 2005. In 2007, they asked Jeremy Del Rio to help them reimagine how an evangelical Christian denomination could come alongside public schools in a faith-neutral way. This report, originally written for denominational leaders, summarizes the…

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