
bearded man

The Power of a Hot Dog

Life consists of little things, consistently experienced over time. Eleven years ago, a neighborhood church started the movement that became Thrive Collective by sponsoring a year-end BBQ for the students and staff of PS/MS 34 in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. No one expected murals, music, mentoring, and more to ensue as a result of those…

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Father’s Day Gratitude

Shout out to all the incredible dads fathering their children well, and to all the uncles, grandfathers, brothers, cousins, neighbors, godfathers, mentors, coaches, teachers, clergy, youth workers, volunteers, single mothers, and all the rest who step up when dads are absent. Happy Fathers Day! This photo is of Jeremy Del Rio’s father Pastor Rick Del…

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Parent.Co Features #BringArtBack

The online journal features Thrive Collective’s Bring Art Back campaign in their new Parent Co. Stories video series sharing “authentic stories for curious parents.” Thank you, Brendan Bubion, for representing our story so well, and to Sam Wisneski, Nico Collazo, and Victoria Cruz for sharing your lives so honestly. Special thanks to Imago Creative, Brendan Bubion, and Christine…

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Why Should Parents Get Involved?

Why should parents get involved with Thrive Collective? “Learning goes beyond the classroom, and this is truly beyond the classroom. … Sometimes we get stuck in the everyday, and this gives us a chance to do something beautiful. … Working on the painting with my daughter and my husband and the rest of the community…

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judah and jeremy del rio

Case Study: An Empowered Parent

Although inspired by 20/20’s Vocational Calling, a Brooklyn father struggled to identify where he fit into 20/20’s strategy. He didn’t run a community group or lead a congregation, so he couldn’t commit an organization to adopt a school. Nor was he involved in direct youth work, so he couldn’t directly empower students to lead change…

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