
students listening to speech

Walking the Path of Dreamers

Brooklyn students unite with #Dreamers nationwide for the #CaminoDeSueños (Path of Dreams). Tell your DC Representatives and Senators to pass comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers. @noelcastellanos @iamccda @mcfwarren A post shared by Thrive Collective (@nycthrive) on Nov 16, 2017 at 8:17am PST It's on! The first of the #caminodesueños assemblies…

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Thrive Collective partners with Camino de Sueños to support Dreamers

Pilgrimage heads to NYC engaging support for DACA students through art, stories and action BROOKLYN, New York — With the fate of DACA recipients yet to be determined and the need for a legislative fix for dreamers to be taken up by Congress, the national Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) and NYC-based non-profit Thrive Collective…

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We Are Thrive Recap 2017

On September 26 Thrive Collective’s staff, board, volunteers, students, and community supporters gathered at the United Federation of Teachers to create more awareness for the #BringArtBack campaign. Thank you to everyone that was able to join us as we honored NYC First Lady Charlene McCray; global artist Domingo Zapata; and Rev. Dr. Raymond Rivera for…

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Thrive photos

Grace Multiplies

We are excited to Celebrate the Future with Abounding Grace Ministries this weekend as they commemorate their 25th year as a church and 35th year as a community ministry. Everything Thrive Collective is, every student and school we have served, is because of Abounding Grace Ministries’ investment in Jeremy Del Rio personally and their commitment…

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Dance. Thrive. Chill. X Burton NYC – The Video

Video by Vladimir Goroshnikov (Facebook). Music by Finsta Bundy (Facebook/ Soundcloud). To celebrate the new school year, the BURTON flagship store in Soho sponsored an evening of creative expression and youth empowerment on September 7, 2017. Three organizations that create positive impact for the youth of New York City joined forces in an event about movement, marks of expression and…

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Breaking: Support the Rebuilding of Puerto Rico and Mexico on 9/26

Purchase Tickets September 26, 2017 | 6:00 – 9:00 pm The United Federation of Teachers 52 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Update, 9/23/17 When we scheduled We Are Thrive earlier this year, no one could have anticipated that three “unprecedented, historic” hurricanes would ravage Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, Florida, and Texas within days of the…

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Celebrate with Domingo Zapata on 9/26

Purchase Tickets September 26, 2017 | 6:00 – 9:00 pm The United Federation of Teachers 52 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Join us as we honor contemporary art icon Domingo Zapata, who first collaborated with our students at Bronx Studio School for Writers and Artists in 2015. Meet Domingo and Vicky Acclaimed artist Domingo Zapata…

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Burton mural

Dance. Thrive. Chill. x Instagram

Enjoy this social media recap of “Dance. Thrive. Chill. x Burton NYC.” What a great night celebrating the freestyle cultures of board sports, dance, and visual arts at @burtonflagshipnyc with @chillfoundation @chill_nyc and @everybody_dance_now! Thanks to @jesse_lee_wilson @kunle313 and @sjwisneski for making it possible, along with the collaborating Burton staff, dancers, artists, and students. #WeAreThrive…

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Thrive fundraiser

Three Week Countdown

PROCEEDS SUPPORT #BringArtBack September 26, 2017 | The United Federation of Teachers  | 52 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Co-hosted by  Audrey Puente of Fox 5 NY and Speedy from Univision 96.3 With Performances by The Tito Puente, Jr., Band Everybody Dance Now DJ Trase Purchase tickets today. Please join us for this memorable event to celebrate Thrive Collective’s…

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Thrive x Burton

Dance. Thrive. Chill. x Burton NYC

Please join us at the BURTON flagship store in Soho for an evening of creative expression and youth empowerment. Three organizations that create positive impact for the youth of New York City are joining forces in an event about movement, marks of expression and making turns. On Sept 7th Everybody Dance Now, Thrive Collective and…

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