Cargo Van

For Jeremy’s birthday in 2018, Thrive Collective donors replaced the 2005 Grand Caravan with 187k miles that served as our School Murals cargo van with a 2018 Ford Transit.

Tears from a Clown

“I cried three times the day after Eddie bought us a van. Mostly, they were tears of joy and gratitude, sprinkled with a healthy dose of humbling too.” Friends, We did it! Thank you to all who donated last month to support my birthday fundraiser to replace the 2005 Grand Caravan with 187k miles that…

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The Upgrade is Complete

Thank you to all who donated last month to support Jeremy Del Rio’s birthday fundraiser to replace the 2005 Grand Caravan with 187k miles that served as our School Murals cargo van. Last night, our upgrade was completed to this 2018 Ford Transit with just 14,600 miles. Even better, between donations and pledges, the van…

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Birthday Blessings and Minivans

Jeremy’s family minivan helped launch a movement. For his birthday, please help Thrive replace it. Five years ago, our founder Jeremy Del Rio’s family donated their minivan to help create hope and opportunity through arts and mentoring in public schools. Since then, nearly 15,000 NYC public school students and volunteers have transformed their schools and…

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