The Beat of our Drums

Carnegie Hall Spring Family Day 2018

Carnegie Hall + “The Beat of our Drums”

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This year has brought a new, growing relationship with Carnegie Hall, first as a NeON Arts provider in the South Bronx; then as a featured arts organization at their “A Time Like This: Music for Change” concert; and most recently at their Spring Family Day on April 8.

Exactly 1,703 people came through Carnegie Hall for Family Day, including approximately 700-800 toddlers through ten-year-olds who helped paint “The Beat of our Drums” in four short hours. The crowd photo above pretty much could have been taken at any moment between 12:15 and 3:45. The students each had approximately ten minutes to paint, and together they produced something beautiful. Making the magic happen: Thrive Collective teaching artists Michela Muserra and Pilar Batista, plus a crew of fantastic Carnegie Hall staff and volunteers.

The Activity Description:

What moves you? What sights, sounds, hopes, dreams, relationships, or memories cause you to take action? What actions do they inspire?

Welcome to this creative space. We invite children and adults alike to participate in this collaborative mural. Simply respond to the questions visually, on the boards around these tables. Help complete the world that these cute monsters, aliens and funny creatures live in. Create characters, add colors, draw symbols, write your motto, tag your name! This world and its creatures represent the diversity we live in. Add your own rhythm and don’t be shy. Grab a brush or marker (and a smock) and join the fun!

Thank you, Carnegie Hall and NeON Arts, for making this possible.

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