Call Your Council Members

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Since 2014, eight current and former NYC Council Members have brought Thrive Collective’s Murals, Music, and Media programs to twenty-five schools in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, and Queens. We are so grateful to these trailblazing advocates and allies:

  • Rosie Mendez, District 2
  • Fernando Cabrera, District 14
  • Maria Del Carmen Arroyo, District 17
  • Donovan Richards, District 31 
  • Antonio Reynoso, District 34 
  • Erik Martin Dilan, District 37 
  • Brad Lander, District 39 
  • Vincent Gentile, District 43

They have allocated discretionary and initiative funding including Cultural After School Adventures (CASA), Immigrants Cultural Fund, Art as Catalyst for Change, and Digital Inclusion to bring Thrive Collective’s visual and performing arts programs to their districts. Multiple city and state agencies also contract us as a vendor directly.

We now work with 120 partners providing services in 100 schools across thirty-three City Council Districts. That’s why this year, we invite the entire Council to join their visionary colleagues and Bring Art Back for a renaissance in public education citywide.

Please call your City Council Member today and tell them to #BringArtBack to 419 schools without art teachers this fall.

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