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NY1: Student Artists Unveil ‘Thrive’ Mural

NY1 VIDEO: [April 16, 2015] After months of sketching and painting, some young artists are finally showing off their latest masterpiece. New Dorp High School students unveiled a new mural Wednesday during a ribbon cutting ceremony. About 300 students collaborated on the project that features 36 panels covered in acrylic paint. The mural spells out…

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The Norwegian American showcasing Thrive's art

Norwegian American Weekly: “Spectacular” Art, but “More Valuable” Collaboration

The Norwegian American Weekly newspaper featured the “Generations” mural in print and online last week. About the artwork itself, author Victoria Hofmo writes: “This fine tradition of connecting art to public schools is continuing through 20/20 Vision for Schools. … The most recent mural project, ‘Generations’ was unveiled on the lawn at the Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center…

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DOE: “PS 102 Says ‘Welcome’ with Mural”

For the month of October, the NYC Department of Education has featured the PS 102 mural on its homepage. “Welcome” to our school! As featured in: The Brownstoner // The Bay Ridge Eagle // Brooklyn Family // Department of Education // New York Teacher BAY RIDGE’S PS 102, “THE BAY VIEW SCHOOL,” CELEBRATES DIVERSITY WITH COMPLETION OF A NEW SCHOOLYARD MURAL Inspired by…

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Cory Booker giving speech

An Audacious Vision

Ed note: The contents of this page are reproduced from the original 20/20 Vision for School’s website for archival reference. “Why do we tolerate a world where children born with God’s genius are going to school in environments that are not nurturing that genius and manifesting the divine within them? You’ve all been called here…

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kids clapping to speech

The Mission: Eradicate Educational Apartheid

Ed note: The contents of this page are reproduced from the original 20/20 Vision for School’s website for archival reference. “I don’t want to send another generation of American children to failing schools. I don’t want that future for my daughters. I don’t want that future for your sons. I do not want that future…

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2020 vision for schools logo

A History of 20/20 Vision for Schools (2005-2011)

Ed. Note: Thrive Collective grew organically out of a conversation among mostly faith-based youth workers that began in 2005 during the production of the 2005 Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade. On this page is a brief history of that evolution until incorporating as 20/20 Vision for Schools, Inc. on August 17, 2011. Here you can…

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thrive's core strategy

Core Strategy: What We Do

Ed note: The contents of this page are reproduced from the original 20/20 Vision for School’s website for archival reference. 20/20 Vision for Schools mobilizes and equips New Yorkers of all social sectors to engage the issues of sustainable reform in meaningful ways. (Read more about our original mission and purpose.) We achieve this by…

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young life group

Case Study: Deepening Impacts with Young Life

Improving Educational Outcomes for Students and Schools In October, Young Life New York renewed an innovative partnership with 20/20 Vision for Schools dedicated to making schools better schools and students better students. In Phase Two of our partnership, we will expand our work from eleven schools in five New York neighborhoods to every neighborhood where…

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Mural Shows Resiliency Of Brooklyn Schoolkids

As reported on NY1: Brooklyn school kids are showing off their community’s resiliency after Hurricane Sandy. A new mural was unveiled at P.S. 329 in Coney Island this weekend. Nearly 250 students helped to design it this spring by responding to the question, “How do you help a neighbor in need?” Their answers were the…

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