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National Youth Workers Convention Features Thrive Collective

Youth Specialties featured the work of Thrive Collective at their 2016 National Youth Workers Convention in Cincinnati (Nov. 17-20, 2016). More than 3,000 youth workers from around the country heard the #BringArtBack story from the main stage, experienced it in the collaborative production of the Arise mural throughout the conference, and watched this moving documentary short featuring…

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Receive Your Free “Get Started Guide” eBook

Sign up to Receive Your Free eBook Today You’re convinced. You get it. You’re ready to partner with a local school to empower students to thrive. Now what? The Get Started Guide is a short eBook that walks you through a twelve step pathway of cultivating a meaningful partnership with a local school. The eBook is…

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How Should We Love and Serve Our Cities?

Thrive Collective joined NY CityServe at the Movement Day Global Cities conference at the Jacob Javits Center on October 25-27, 2016. Friends from all over the world helped us create a collaborative mural by answering a simple question: “How should we love and serve our cities?” When the art installation was completed, it served as…

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School Mentors Returns to HVA for Year 3

It’s great to be back! Three years running with School Mentors at Harlem Village Academy High School. The new year kicked off on November 1, 2016 with thirty students and fifteen mentors. Grateful for partners like New Canaan Society and Young Life Central Harlem, who make programs like this one consistently possible. ‹ › ×…

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Thrive Presents “Create with Us” at UFT/NYCATA ArtWorks 2016

Sam Wisneski and Jeremy Del Rio presented the “Create with Us: Public Art Transforming Public Schools” experiential workshop at the UFT/NYCATA ArtWorks 2016 conference for art teachers on October 29, 2016. Title: “Create with Us: Public Art Transforming Public Schools” Description: “Empower students to create public art murals that transform public schools into centers of…

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Meet the Artist: Peach Jin Tao

Where are you from? Born and raised in Beijing, China, I came to the US for college. What do you enjoy doing with Thrive? So far I did one project with Thrive. I helped co-design and paint the Welcome mural for the elementary school PS 236 in the Bronx. See the Portfolio for the Welcome mural at…

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Fuel the Sound

Together with apprentice artists Pilar Batista and Nico Collazo, Thrive’s Creative Director Sam Wisneski led a live, interactive art demonstration at the 2016 Fuel Student Conference on Saturday, October 8, 2016. Five hundred students from the greater New York City area attended the event, and dozens participated in the production of the Art Redemption mural…

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Some Riffs For Storytelling

Thrive Collective’s Music Director Dr. Terry Greene moonlights during summers as faculty for the Walden School Summer Music Camp in New Hampshire. Here he performs with members of The Walden School faculty and students, along with members of the International Contemporary Ensemble on July 17th 2016. Music written by Terry L. Greene II. Lyrics written and…

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“I Am Longwood” Collaborators

On June 4, 2016, a dozen Bronx based artists and arts organizations gathered to celebrate the rich cultural legacy of the Longwood neighborhood at the first I Am Longwood Arts Fest. Meet some of the collaborators. About the Arts Fest Partner Profile: YUCA Arts Artist Profile: Kim Andino Partner Profile: Elevate NY Artist Profile: Anthony…

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