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R.H.Y.M.E. (Rhymes Help Young Minds Excel)

R.H.Y.M.E. (Rhymes Help Young Minds Excel) teaches mic skills and life skills through the art of emceeing, with Bronx emcee and Thrive Studio Arts Director Randy Mason. This video recaps a RHYME workshop in collaboration with La Bodega Studios in the Bronx, sponsored in part by Bronx Council on the Arts, The Bronx Native, Empanology,…

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Ladoru x Thrive Collective

What an inspiring story! Thank you, Ladoru, for reminding us why we do what we do, and for so generously investing in others. 10% of all profits made between 9/24-10/31 will be donated to Thrive Collective. 💥🙏❤ Support the cause here. Shop Ladoru “Art changes people, people change the world.” – Anonymous “Several years ago…

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Thrive Sports Sunset Park Photo Diary

It’s so good to be back. On Saturday, 9/23/2020, we proudly hosted our first (mostly) socially distant Thrive Sports 3-on-3 basketball tournament since COVID-19! ☄ 23 teams ☄ 92 competitors ☄ 30 volunteers and coaches ☄ Energized spectators ☄ Sanitizers, face masks, temperature checks ☄ Swag, trophies, pizza, water, snacks, and more 💯 Gratitude for our…

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ABC 7 Features “Street Art Legend” Toofly

Congratulations to Toofly, whose artistry and Kindness Beats the Virus collaboration is being featured for Hispanic Heritage month by WABC 7 this week. If you’ve worked with her, you know she’s amazing. The report captures her beautifully, and includes footage of our #KindnessBeatsTheVirus mural production at the Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center in the Lower…

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Rep. John Lewis Memorial

Thrive Collective’s executive director Jeremy Del Rio was asked by The NYC Mayor’s Office to reflect on the intersection of faith and justice at an online Memorial Service for Rep. John Lewis on September 15. Jeremy’s remarks follow. 🎨 Mural by Damien Mitchell for Projectivity 📷 by Sold magazine John Lewis Memorial Service September 15,…

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Fall 2020 Basketball Tournaments

Thrive Sports Presents Tournament of Champions 1-Day Tournament 2-Game Elimination 3-on-3 Basketball 4-Player Rosters Junior Division, 13-15 years old Senior Division, 16-18 years old COVID-19 compliant Social distancing and masks required Masks and hand sanitizers provided to all participants Temperature checks before registration for everyone participating September 19 Sunset Park, Brooklyn Sunset Park Registration 8AM –…

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BLM Mural: The Letter A

Humbled to be featured in the latest installment of Your Neighbor’s Backyard’s “Good Neighbor” series, which highlights people who are using their resources to help others. Filmmaker Jonathan Cortizo tells the story of Thrive Collective helping bring to life artist Tijay Mohammed‘s design for the Black Lives Matter mural in lower Manhattan. Tijay shares what he hopes…

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A Garden Mural for Stapleton Houses

From NYCHA Journal. A beautiful, bright garden has sprouted on the walls of the Stapleton Senior Center at Staten Island’s Stapleton Houses. The flowers are made of paint in this new mural, “Flowers of Our People,” which features an array of flowers and residents caring for the garden and participating in activities such as tai chi, meditation, and more. Residents from the senior center, as well as other Stapleton locals, offered design ideas for the mural, which…

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Debate not Diatribe

“It’s disingenuous to condemn vandalism of private property and then praise vandalism of lawful public art. Regardless of whether one agrees with the statement Black Lives Matter, the BLM murals in New York and elsewhere have been properly permitted by relevant authorities as protected speech and also as legal street art. To deface what the…

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Skills & Drills: “Work in Progress”

With New York City’s basketball courts reopened, join Thrive Sports for socially distant skills and drills clinics this summer. Follow @coachrosadonyc on IG for details. The first clinic begins tomorrow, July 18th, at 8am in Sunset Park. Masks required. As long COVID doesn’t spike and public health officials deem recreational basketball to be safe, stay…

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