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Christine Casado

School Media 2022

Film instructor Alexandra Speith along with the help of project manager Steven Cifuentes taught 5th -8th graders twice a week in Manhattan’s Lower East Side School, PS /MS 34 and  3rd -4th graders at Brooklyn’s PS 282 Park Slope School. Students made a documentary on the art at PS/MS 34 and a documentary about the…

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NeON Arts Digital Media

Thrive Media Director Christine Casado During the the Covid-19 pandemic, Thrive Collective provided our Summer Media Academy remotely in partnership with Carnegie Hall’s NeON Arts program. I was proud to serve as the primary teaching artist. For six weeks, students gathered online to learn the basics of digital filmmaking using readily available smartphones, tablets, and…

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Digital Inclusion at PS 4

When the COVID-19 quarantine hit, our School Media team at PS 4 pivoted to turn a program that was two weeks into the semester into a remote learning experience for our students. Working closely with school administrators, Christine Casado and teaching artist Vinny Arizzo of Projectivity adapted to the extraordinary circumstances. They maintained a class…

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How-To Videos

Tutorials and More Instructional Videos As part of our #KindnessBeatsTheVirus COVID-19 free “Tools for Schools,” we offer these instructional videos by members of our School Media and teaching artists teams. Feel free to use them in your classrooms, or contact us to schedule a workshop. How to Make How-To Videos Thrive Collective’s School Media director…

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Bandlab Music Makers

PS 282 students produced their own music during Thrive Collective’s winter 2020 School Media after school program using BandLab. They talk about the importance of creating music during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I don’t like hearing about coronavirus, when people die and stuff. But as Mr. Josh says, if you feel something, let it out in…

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School Media Returns to PS 282

Thanks to ongoing support from NYC Council Member Brad Lander and the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development, School Media returned to PS 282 for a fourth year in a row. Our third and fourth grade after-school students produced three videos. Enjoy.

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“Let’s Prevent” — A Film about Bullying

This spring, School Media students at MS/HS 141 Riverdal/Kingsbridge Academy produced “Let’s Prevent,” a documentary about bullying. The film features peers who have been both the bullies and the victims. Filmed, edited, and directed by students Jolany Alcantara and America Quezada.

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Enjoy our Student Films

Thanks in part to Digital Inclusion and Art as Catalyst for Change grants from NYC City Council members Donovan Richards and Brad Lander, year 2 of our School Media program included schools in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. Enjoy our catalogue of student videos here. The PS 282 students also created their own website to…

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Watch #BringArtBack Film Festival Now

  In our first year teaching film, Thrive Collective’s School Media program taught 450 students the basics of filmmaking and storytelling. Brooklyn’s PS 282 K-5th graders and middle school students at IS 42Q and IS 183Q in the Rockaways put their imaginations to the test, producing 40 student films. They learned to use the green screen, boom mic,…

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