ABC 7 Features “Street Art Legend” Toofly

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Congratulations to Toofly, whose artistry and Kindness Beats the Virus collaboration is being featured for Hispanic Heritage month by WABC 7 this week. If you’ve worked with her, you know she’s amazing. The report captures her beautifully, and includes footage of our #KindnessBeatsTheVirus mural production at the Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center in the Lower East Side.

Street art legend Maria ‘Toofly’ Castillo paves the way for women in graffiti scene

During the pandemic, she’s learned so much and shares her experiences through her youth programs.

Toofly’s most recent project with the Thrive Collective, an arts and mentoring program in public schools, was a collaboration with teenagers to express what they were going through, how they felt about the pandemic and the changing world around them.

The art she helped students produce, reflects the authenticity of those emotions; to stay positive and be resilient through it all.

Report by Vanessa Flowers for ABC 7 NY.

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