Speak Up and Judge Fairly

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“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


True confession: I used to hate fundraising. There are days when I’m tempted to still hate it.

During a personal retreat in August, I remembered the “why” I do what I do professionally. As a teen, an ancient proverb inspired me to apply to law school. It reverberated when I retired my career as a corporate lawyer after 9/11. And it grabbed me again at the edge of Lake Wassermann in Minnesota this summer.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

That’s the reason I invite you to partner with Thrive Collective. As long as a quarter of a million students in NYC’s poorest neighborhoods have an artless education everyday, and 3 in 4 high school graduates are unprepared for college and careers, it’s our job to speak up on their behalf.

Your financial support multiplies our effectiveness in the fight for educational equity in New York City. That’s why a donor created our largest ever matching grant opportunity to start 2017.

It’s not too late for you to contribute. We are 60% of the way towards our $36,000 goal, and have until midnight tonight to match the rest.

Please give online right now, or reply to this email with a specific pledge amount that we can report to our donor tomorrow.

“I thank God … that He sent people like them to come to me and pick me up out of what I’ve been through.”

“We are hopeful. We are generous. We create beauty. We do it together. We are Thrive.”

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