More Coney Art Walls Buzz

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Thank you to the amazing response from the media last week celebrating the great work by NYC public school students and dedicated artists beautifying West 15th Street in Coney Island as part of the Coney Art Walls initiative. Here are a few of the reports.

1. “Brush with Fame: Kids paint mural with acclaimed artist” by Max Jaeger, The Brooklyn Daily (8/5/16):

“[Marie] Roberts worked with about a dozen city school kids from the Thrive Collective, which teaches life skills through painting, an organizer said.

“’We make the process of painting a mural into easy, incremental steps — a large part of what we do is personal development, teaching confidence. The murals act as the stage or backdrop for students to find their voice, but also to learn how to fail.’

“Roberts and crew started the project on Aug. 1 and were putting the finishing touches on at the end of the week, she said. It will be on display along with dozens of murals painted by internationally acclaimed artists.”

2.  “De luz y de color la vida entre estos murales de Brooklyn,” Univision (8/4/16)


3. “Coney Island Art Walls” by Christal Young, Fox 5 NY (8/2/16)

“When you think Coney Island, you usually think boardwalk and rides. But this neighborhood also has an emerging art scene. Students from all over the city are making Brooklyn more colorful, one brush stroke at a time. Best of all, no art ability, no problem.

“Coney Island Art Walls, an outdoor museum of art, is hosting a student arts program called Thrive Collective. New York City has 419 schools with no arts program at all. The collective is working to change that. In the end, the art also changes the students who get involved.”


4. “Say it with Sixto” radio show with Sixto Ramos and Rosie Perez (8/5/16)

Audio coming soon.

See our third Coney Art Wall mural here.

Coney Art Walls with Marie Roberts

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