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Mona Oman worked with PS 74 students in Staten Island to interpret a series of affirmations and positivity in three mural installations this year.

  • “You Got This”
  • “You are Part of Our Story”
  • Emoji

Together, they expand the “Future Leaders on the Rise” schoolyard mural by Josue Mendez in 2023.

PS 74 Affirmation Murals (2024)

As Seen on Instagram

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Project Details

Affirmation Murals
PS 74 (Staten Island)

• Art Direction: Mona Oman
• Three murals, 240 Square Feet total
• Mixed Media on Plaster
• Produced by Projectivity
• PS 74 and NYC Department of Cultural Affairs

  • Elementary School
  • Intensive
  • Interior

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