Hyde Leadership Charter School: Hyde Heroes on the Road to Success

Featuring Art Direction by Ashley Crawford (Brooklyn 2024)
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This mural was dedicated to Hyde Leadership Charter School by after school provider Roads to Success. For twelve weeks, students worked with thrive artists to explore and celebrate Hyde’s five core principles — Truth, Humility, Each Other’s Keepers, Conscience, and Destiny — in the mural.

Students ranged from ages 11 to 13 and the classes took place during their after school art classes with Roads to Success. We discussed how they embodied the five principles, as well as the school’s motto, and how Roads to Success helped them master these values. For the first 4 weeks, students explored the ideas visually and helped develop the design. Once approved, they painted during the last 4 weeks of class. 

Located in the 8th grade stairwell, the murals inspires students to finish middle school well, and carry Hyde leadership with them into high school. As they journey on, they embody, “Hyde Heroes on the Road to Success.”

Hyde Leadership Charter School (2024)

As Seen on Social Media

Murals by Ashley Crawford

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Project Details

Hyde Heroes on the Road to Success
Hyde Leadership Charter School (2024)

• Art Direction: Ashley Crawford
• Contributing Artists: Sydney Tirado, Andrea Amanda, Kenneth Tooley, Pelumi Ayeni, Yukiko Izumi, Will DeNatale, and Peter Yi
• 300 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Stairwell Concrete Block
• Sponsored by Roads to Success, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs

  • After School
  • Interior
  • Middle School

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