Wildstyle Book, vol. II

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Download Volumes 1 and 2 below.


What if a novel strain of Corona Kindness were as infectious as COVID-19? What if we conquer Corona because #KindnessBeatsTheVirus?

These questions inspired Thrive Collective’s students and artists to launch Kindness Beats the Virus at the outset of the Coronavirus pandemic in New York City. “The Wildstyle Coloring Book,” curated by artist legends Bio, Crash, and Sonic and co-produced by WallWorksNY, has been one platform for artists from around the world to contribute to our shared healing from this global trauma.

The overwhelming response to Volume 1 gave rise to Volume 2. Just days before we planned to publish this issue, the virus of racism, robbed George Floyd of breath. We delayed the release in his honor.

Shared trauma creates opportunities for shared healing. Our most human instincts require connection to process pain and heal in community, whether from COVID-19 or racial violence.


During the Coronavirus quarantine and subsequent social unrest, unleash your creativity with these coloring pages, and so many more free art activities and “Tools for Schools” at ThriveCollective.org/kindness. Share your stories, photos, media, and art on social media, and tag #KindnessBeatsTheVirus @NYCThrive and the contributing artist.

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