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Help Kindness Go Viral so We Can Heal Together


Today is Giving Tuesday Now, a global day of giving created for nonprofits as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. Thrive Collective hopes to raise $10,000 to help kindness go viral and ensure access to arts resources for NYC youth despite the pandemic. Edmond, one of the student architects of our #KindnessBeatsTheVirus response to coronavirus, explains why:

“All the things we are afraid to do are the things that make us human. We are trying to bring that humanity back, and give people hope.”

Our most basic human instincts require connection to process pain, and heal in community. Whether you identify as an artist or simply as human, the pandemic provides unique moments to connect with others creatively. We need your help to ensure that Thrive Collective can continue to provide free remote learning resources for educators, students and families to unleash their creativity despite social distancing.

Your donations today up to $5,000 will be doubled immediately, thanks to a generous donor.

Experience our growing catalogue of Tools for Schools at https://ThriveCollective.org/kindness and glimpse real-time contributions from students and artists using the hashtag #KindnessBeatsTheVirus on Instagram. Help us bring art back to eradicate loneliness and isolation now and always.

In service,
Jeremy Del Rio
Executive Director

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