Thrive in Puerto Rico

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Thrive Collective’s community outreach director Pastor Rick Del Rio of Abounding Grace Ministries flew to Puerto Rico this morning to assist the recovery efforts there.

He’ll be working with Urban Strategies, World Vision, Somebody Cares, and other global humanitarian agencies as a liaison with underserved communities throughout the island, including Arecibo and Cayey, where his brother and sisters live with their families. He brings on the ground experience leading relief efforts in New York City following 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy. The photos in the Instagram slideshow below are after Hurricane Sandy.

Help us help him by giving generously at Designate the gift for PR and 100% will support the effort.

For those wondering why:

One in ten New Yorkers are Puerto Rican, making us the largest Puerto Rican city in the world. The humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico is our crisis.

3.5 million US citizens live in Puerto Rico, approximately the same number who live in Connecticut. If an entire state in the US mainland lost power, water, roads, communications, homes, food, and farms, we’d all #TakeAKnee in prayer and solidarity with #PuertoRico. Then we’d rise as answers to those prayers to give and do everything necessary to heal and rebuild.

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